Cycloaddition MCQs (Pericyclic Reactions) for CSIR NET GATE - CHEM CONTENT

Vijay Ishwar

Cycloaddition Reactions MCQs for NET & GATEPericyclic Reactions Topic wise Assignment-3

Q1. The structure of final product formed in the below reaction will be:

Cycloaddition MCQs (Pericyclic Reactions) for CSIR NET GATE - CHEM CONTENT

Q2. Final product formed in the below reaction will be:

Cycloaddition MCQs (Pericyclic Reactions) for CSIR NET GATE - CHEM CONTENT

Q3. Final product formed in the below reaction will be:

Cycloaddition MCQs (Pericyclic Reactions) for CSIR NET GATE - CHEM CONTENT

Q4. Final Product formed in the following reaction will be

Cycloaddition MCQs (Pericyclic Reactions) for CSIR NET GATE - CHEM CONTENT

Q5. Final Product formed in the following reaction will be

Cycloaddition MCQs (Pericyclic Reactions) for CSIR NET GATE - CHEM CONTENT

Q6. Final Product formed in the following reaction will be

Cycloaddition MCQs (Pericyclic Reactions) for CSIR NET GATE - CHEM CONTENT

Q7. Final Product formed in the following reaction will be

Cycloaddition MCQs (Pericyclic Reactions) for CSIR NET GATE - CHEM CONTENT

Q8. Final Product formed in the following reaction will be:

Cycloaddition MCQs (Pericyclic Reactions) for CSIR NET GATE - CHEM CONTENT

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