GOC is the chapter that explains the introductory but most essential concepts of Organic Chemistry. It includes the study of the structure & chemical behavior of electrophiles & nucleophiles, various electronic effects stabilizing or destabilizing the molecules or ions, study of intermediates and how they are formed and deformed. Knowledge of General Organic Chemistry becomes necessary to understand the higher advanced concepts of Organic Chemistry.
This page contains Handwritten PDF files for Notes on GOC. These notes are specially designed for competitive exam preparation. These notes will be helpful in your academics whether you are doing your graduation B.Sc. or Masters M.Sc. Chemistry or you are preparing for competitive exams such as CSIR NET, GATE, BARC, TIFR, IISR etc. You can read the notes online from the attached frame below and can also download the same from the Download PDF button.
GOC Notes I

GOC Notes II