GOC Electrophiles & Nucleophiles MCQs for CSIR NET GATE - ChemContent

Vijay Ishwar

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Q1. Consider the statements about the following structures (A) & (B).
[NET June 2014]
    (A) X and Y are resonance structures
    (B) X and Y are tautomers
    (C) Y is more basic than X
    (D) X is more basic than Y
Correct statement(s) are
        (a) A and C
        (b) C
        (c) B and D
        (d) B and C

Q2. The correct order of the bond dissociation energies for the indicated C-H bond in the following compounds is

[NET Dec 2016]

    (a) C>B>A
    (b) A>B>C
    (c) A>C>B
    (d) C>A>B

Q3. Molecular orbital interactions involved in the first step of the following reaction is

[NET Dec 2016]
(a)  Î C=C  Ïƒ*Br-Br
(b)  nBr    ÏƒC-C
(c)  Î C=C    ÏƒBr-Br
(d)  nBr    Î C=C

Q4. In allene, hybridization of the central and terminal carbons respectively are

[GATE 2002]
    (a) sp2 and sp2
    (b) sp2 and sp3
    (c) sp­ and sp2
    (d) sp­ and sp3

Q5. The mono protonation of adenine in acidic solution mainly occurs at

[GATE 2007]

    (a) Position 1
    (b) Position 2
    (c) Position 3
    (d) Position 4 or 5

Q6. The decreasing order of nucleophilicity for the following anions is
[GATE 2009]
CH3CO2-, CH3O-, C6H5O-, NO3-
(a)  CH3CO2- > CH3O- > C6H5O- > NO3-
(b)  CH3O- > NO3- > C6H5O- > CH3CO2-
(c)  CH3O- > C6H5O- > CH3CO2- > NO3-
(d)  C6H5O- > CH3O- > NO3- > CH3CO2-
Q7. The correct order of acidity of the following compounds is
[NET June 2011]

    (a) B>C>A
    (b) C>B>A
    (c) A>C>B
    (d) A>B>C

Q8. The increasing order of pka values of marked hydrogens in the following compounds will be
[NET Dec 2014]

(a) I < II < III
(b) I < III < II
(c) II < I < III
(d) II < III < I

Q9. The correct order of heat of hydrogenation for the following compounds is

[NET June 2015]

    (a) I > II > III > IV
    (b) I > III > II > IV
    (c) IV > I > III > II
    (d) IV > II > I > III

Q10. The correct order of pka values for compounds X, Y and Z is

[NET June 2016]

    (a) X > Y > Z
    (b) Y > Z > X
    (c) Z > X > Y
    (d) Y > X > Z

Answer Key
Q1.d Q2.d Q3.a Q4.c Q5.d Q6.c Q7.c Q8.c Q9.b Q10.c

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