Reagents in organic chemistry are the molecular species which are used to transform organic substrates. For example, ketone (substrate) can be transformed into alcohol (product) by reacting ketone with sodium borohydride NaBH4 (reagent). Since NaBH4 is causing reduction of Ketone, it is referred as a reducing agent. Reagents can be of many types depending upon the transformation it cause in the substrate like, oxidation, reduction, alkylation, rearrangement etc.
This page contains Handwritten PDF Notes for Organic Reagents. These notes are specially designed for competitive exams preparation. These notes will be helpful in your academics weather you are doing your graduation B.Sc. or Masters M.Sc. Chemistry or you are preparing for competitive exams such as CSIR NET, GATE, BARC, TIFR, IISR etc. You can read the notes online from the attached frame below and can also download the same from the Download PDF button.
Notes I All Reagents

Notes II Reducing Agents