Debye Huckel Limiting Law (Electrochemistry) MCQs for CSIR NET GATE - ChemContent

Vijay Ishwar

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Chapter: Electrochemistry
Topic: Debye Huckel Limiting Law 
Content: MCQ Questions & Solutions
Source: CSIR NET, GATE etc. Exams

Good Luck! 😊😉

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Q1. For an aqueous solution at 25ºC, the Debye-Huckel limiting law is given by

[NET June 2011]

    (a) log γ+ = 0.509 | Z+ Z- µ
    (b) log γ+ = 0.509 | Z+ Z- |
    (c) log γ+ = -0.509 | Z+ Z-
    (d) log γ+ = -0.509 | Z+ Z- |

Q2. Debye-Huckel screening length (K-1) is a measure of size of diffuse ion cloud around an ion, provided that

at 298 K, which of the following vales of K-1 is true for a 0.03 molal solution for Na2SO4 in water?
εr = 100)

[NET June 2011]

    (a) 10/9 nm
    (b) 9/10 nm
    (c) 10
2/9 nm
    (d) 9/10
2 nm

Q3. For a potentiometric titration, in the curve of emf (E) vs volume (V) of the titrant added, the equivalence point is indicated by

[NET Dec 2011]

    (a) |dE/dV|=0, |d2E/dV2|=0
    (b) |dE/dV|=0, |d2E/dV2|>0
    (c) |dE/dV|>0, |d2E/dV2|=0
    (d) |dE/dV|>0, |d2E/dV2|>0

Q4. The overall reaction for the passage of 1.0 faraday charge in the following cell is given by ( t denotes the transport numbers )

Ag(s)-AgCl(s) | KCl(a1) | KCL(a2) | AgCl(s)-Ag(s)

[NET Dec 2011]

    (a) t+ KCl(a1) t+ KCl(a2)
    (b) t+ KCl(a2)
t+ KCl(a1)
    (c) t- KCl(a1)
t- KCl(a2)
    (d) t- KCl(a2)
t- KCl(a1)

Q5. The spectrophotometric response for the titration of a mixture of Fe3+ and Cu2+ ions against EDTA is given below.

Given: Fe3+-EDTA forms first (ε=0)
          Cu2+-EDTA (ε0)

The correct statement is:

[NET June 2012]

 (a) volume ab = [Fe3+] and volume cd = [Cu2+]
 (b) volume ab = [Cu2+] and volume cd = [Fe3+]
 (c) volume ab = [Fe3+] and volume cd = excess EDTA
 (d) volume ab = [Cu2+] and volume cd = excess EDTA

Q6. The correct Nernst equation for the concentration cell:

Pt | H2(p) | HCl(a+)1 | AgCl(s) | Ag - Ag | AgCl(s) | HCl(a+)2 | H2(p) | Pt

[NET June 2012]

Q7. On subjecting 9.5 ml solution of Pb2+ of xM to polarographic measurements, Id was found to be 1 µA. When 0.5 ml of 0.04 M Pb2+ solution was added before the measurement, the Id was found to be 1.25 µA. What should be the concentration x?

[NET Dec 2012]

    (a) 0.0035
    (b) 0.0400
    (c) 0.0067
    (d) 0.0080

Q8. In complexometric titration

S (substrate) + T (titrant) P (product)

The end point is estimated spectrophotometrically. If S and P have ε=0, the shape of titration curve would look like

[NET June 2013]

Q9. Identify from the following, the correct ionic strengths for
    (A) 0.01 molal solution of NaCl and
    (B) 0.01 molal Na2SO4 solution

[NET June 2013]

 (a) (A) 0.010 mol kg-1 (B) 0.010 mol kg-1
 (b) (A) 0.010 mol kg-1 (B) 0.030 mol kg-1
 (c) (A) 0.010 mol kg-1 (B) 0.025 mol kg-1
 (d) (A) 0.010 mol kg-1 (B) 0.015 mol kg-1

Q10. In polarographic estimation, the limiting currents (µA) were 0.15, 4.65, 9.15, 27.15 when concentration (mM) of Pb(II) were 0, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0 respectively. An unknown Pb(II) gives a limiting current of 13.65 µA. Concentration of Pb(II) in the unknown solution is:

[NET June 2014]

    (a) 1.355 mM
    (b) 1.408 mM
    (c) 1.468 mM
    (d) 1.500 mM

Answer Key

Q1.c Q2.a Q3.c Q4.a Q5.c Q6.c Q7.c Q8.c Q9.b Q10.d

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