CFSE (Coordination Compounds) MCQs for NET GATE - ChemContent

Vijay Ishwar

Crystal Field Stabilization Energy 

Coordination Compounds
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Q1. The crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE) in units of Δo for [CoF3(H2O)3] is-

[GATE 2003]
(a) 0
(b) 0.4
(c) 0.8
(d) 1.8

Q2. The Crystal field splitting energy Δ for CoCl64- is 18000cm-1. The Δ for CoCl42- will be-
(a) 18000 cm-1
(b) 16000 cm-1
(c) 8000 cm-1
(d) 2000 cm-1

Q3. Which of the following species/molecules has a planer geometry?
(a) Ni(CO)4
(b) SF4
(c) CoCl42-
(d) XeF4

Q4. The CFSE will be highest for-
(a) [CoF6]3-
(b) [Co(CNS)4]2-
(c) [Mn(H2O)6]2+
(d) [Co(NH3)6]3+

Q5. The complex with maximum CFSE is

[GATE 2000]
(a) [CoCl4]2-
(b) [Co(H2O)6]3+
(c) [CoF3(H2O)3]
(d) [CoF6]3+

Q6. The number of manganese ions in tetrahedral and octahedral sites respectively in Mn3O4 are-

[GATE 2002]
(a) One Mn2+ and two Mn3+
(b) One Mn3+ and two Mn2+
(c) Two Mn3+ and one Mn2+
(d) Two Mn2+ and one Mn3+

Q7. The Magnetic moment of the complex K3[CoF6] is 5.0 µB. The total CFSE will be

[GATE 2008]
(a) -0.4 Δo
(b) -0.4 Δo + P
(c) -2.4 Δo + 3P
(d) -1.8 Δo + 3P

Q8. For the complex ion [Cu(NH3)6]2+, the coordination geometric will be

[GATE 2004]
(a) Octahedral
(b) Tetragonally distorted octahedral
(c) Trigonal Prismatic
(d) Trigonal antiprismatic

Q9. The series with correct order of increasing Δo in their complexes is-

[GATE 2006]
(a) I- < PR3 < CH3- < CO
(b) PR3 < CH3- < I- < CO
(c) CH3- < PR3 < I- < CO
(d) I- < CH3- < PR3< CO

Q10. Arrange the following metal complexes in order of increasing hydration energy

[GATE 2007]
(a) [Mn(H2O)6]2+
(b) [V(H2O)6]2+
(c) [Ni(H2O)6]2+
(d) [Ti(H2O)6]2+

Answer Key

Q1.b Q2.c Q3.d Q4.d Q5.b Q6.a Q7.a Q8.b Q9.d Q10.a

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