Nernst Equation (Electrochemistry) MCQs for CSIR NET GATE - ChemContent

Vijay Ishwar

In this article, ChemContent has brought to you an MCQ quiz containing questions from Nernst equation topic from Electrochemistry. 

Good Luck! 😊😉

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Q1. If the ratio of composition of oxidized and reduced species in electrochemical cell, is given as [O]/[R]=e², the correct potential difference E-E° will be

[NET June 2011]

      (a)  2RT/nF
(b)  -2RT/nF
(c)  RT/nF
(d)  -RT/nF

Q2. The standard electrode potentials (E°) of Fe3+/Fe2+ and Fe2+/Fe electrodes are +0.77 V and -0.44 V respectively at 300 K. The E° of Fe3+/Fe electrode at the same temperature is

[NET Dec 2011]

    (a)  1.21 V
(b)  0.33 V
(c)  -0.11 V
(d)  -0.04 V

Q3. Which one of the following conductometric titrations will show a linear increase of the conductance with volume of the titrant added up to the break point and an almost constant conductance afterwards.

[NET Dec 2011]

    (a)  A strong acid with a strong base
(b)  A strong acid with a weak base
(c)  A weak acid with a strong base
(d)  A weak acid with a weak base

Q4. The correct value of E°, of a half cell in the following graph of E vs log m (m=molality) is:

[NET June 2012]

    (a)  CC'/AC'
(b)  AB'
(c)  BB'
(d) CC'

Q5. The Daniel cell is

[NET Dec 2012]

    (a)  PtI(s) | Zn(s) | Zn2+(aq) || Cu2+(aq) | Cu(s) | PtII(s)
(b)  PtI(s) | Zn(s) | Zn2+(aq) || Ag+(aq) | Ag(s) | PtII(s)
(c) PtI(s) | Fe(s) | Fe2+(aq) || Cu2+(aq) | Cu(s) | PtII(s)
(d) PtI(s) | H2(g) | H2SO4(aq) || Cu2+(aq) | Cu(s) | PtII(s)

Q6. The correct representation of the variation of molar conductivity (y-axis) with surfactant concentration (x-axis) is [CMC=Critical Micelle Concentration].

[NET Dec 2012]

Q7. The equilibrium constant for an electrochemical reaction,

2 Fe3+ + Sn2+    2 Fe2+ + Sn4+

is [E°(Fe3+/Fe2+) = 0.75 V, E°(Sn4+/Sn2+) = 0.15 V, (2.303RT/F) = 0.06 V]

[NET Dec 2012]

    (a)  1010
(b)  1020
(c)  1030
(d)  1040

Q8. Which is correct Nernst equation for redox reaction O + ne- R?

[NET June 2013]

Q9. The cell voltage of Daniel cell [Zn | ZnSO4(aq) || CuSO4(aq) | Cu] is 1.07 V. If reduced potential of Cu2+ | Cu is 0.34 V, the reduction potential of Zn2+ | Zn is

[NET Dec 2013]

    (a)  0.141 V
(b)  -1.41 V
(c)  0.73 V
(d)  -0.73 V

Q10. Consider the cell:

Zn | Zn2+ (a=0.01) || Fe2+ (a=0.001), Fe3+ (a=0.01) | Pt

Ecell = 1.71 V at 25°C for the above cell. The equilibrium constant for the reaction:

Zn + 2 Fe3+  ⇌   Zn2+ + 2 Fe2+

At 25°C would be close to

[NET Dec 2013]

    (a)  1027
(b)  1054
(c)  1081
(d) 1040

Answer Key

Q1.a Q2.d Q3.d Q4.c Q5.a Q6.b Q7.b Q8.b Q9.d Q10.b

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  1. The answer of Q2 is -0.036 v options as well as calculation in explanation is wrong. Please check once again.

    1. The answer is (d). I have verified this PYQ in CSIR Answer key. Please check the signs in formulae. G=-nFE [notice the negative]

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