Kohlrausch's Law | Electrochemistry | 10 MCQs for CSIR NET GATE | Download PDF

Vijay Ishwar

Kohlrausch Law

Topic wise Assignment-3

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Q1. The molar conductivity at infinite dilution for
CaCl2= x, CH3COOH= y, HCl=z
What will be the value for [(CH3COO)2Ca]
(a) 2y + x - (1/2) z
(b) y - 2x + 2z
(c) 2y + x - 2z
(d) None

Q2. If the molar conductivity at infinite dilution for
Fe2(SO4)3 = x1, H2SO4 = x2, HCl = x3; Calculate value for [FeCl3] at infinite dilution
(a) 3x3 + 2x1 - (1/2)x2
(b) 3x3 + (1/2)x1 - (3/2)x2
(c) (3/2)x3 - (1/2)x1 + 2x2
(d) (1/2)x1 - (3/2)x2 - 3x3

Q3. In each of the following pairs, which will show greater conduction of electricity?
(i) A= Silver wire at 20°C B= Same wire at 50°C
(ii) C=NH4OH solution at 20°C D= Same solution T 50°C
(iii) E= 0.1M CH3COOH solution F= 1M CH3COOH solution
(a) A, C, E
(b) A, D, F
(c) B, D, E
(d) A, D, E

Q4. Considering Al2(SO4)3, the relation between molar and equivalent conductivity will be
(a) Λeq = 6 Λm
(b) Λm = 6 Λeq
(c) Λeq = 3 Λm
(d) Λm = Λeq

Q5. In 0.1M HCl and 0.1M NaCl solution, which will have greater transport number for Cl- ion?
(a) NaCl
(b) Same for both
(c) HCl
(d) Insufficient data

Q6. Equivalent conductivities at infinite dilution are given for following electrolytes. Calculate for FeSO4;

FeCl2 = x, HCl = y, H2SO4 = z
(a) x+z-2y
(b) x+z-y
(c) (1/2)x+z-y
(d) (1/2)x+(1/2)z-2y

Q7. Λ°eq for BaCl2, H2SO4 and HCl are x1, x2 and x3 S cm2 eq-1 respectively. If conductivity of saturated BaSO4 solution is y S cm-1, then Ksp for BaSO4 is

Q8. If transport number of Na+ is 0.463 in infinitely dilute solution of NaCl. Calculate transport no. of H+ in dilute solution of HCl. Given that
Λ°m (NaCl)= 96.9 S cm2 mol-1 and Λ°m (HCl)= 96.9 S cm2 mol-1
(a) 0.728
(b) 0.76
(c) 0.272
(d) 0.24

Q9. Calculate the fraction of current carried by sodium ions in a solution which is 0.1M in Na2SO4 and 0.01M in H2SO4. Given that
λm(Na+)=50.1, λm(H+)=349.8 and λm(SO42-)=160 S cm2 mol-1
(a) 0.39
(b) 0.51
(c) 0.29
(d) 0.7

Q10. A dilute solution of KCl is placed between two electrodes 10cm apart across which a potential difference of 10V was applied. Calculate
(i) ionic mobility (K+)
(ii) Potential Gradient
(iii) Speed of K+ ions
(iv) distance travelled by K+ ions in 5000 seconds.
Given that, λ°m(K+) = 96.5 S cm2 mol-1

Answer Key

Q1.c Q2.b Q3.d Q4.b Q5.a Q6.b Q7.d Q8.a Q9.c Q10. Ans

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