Isolobal Analogy Organometallic compounds - MCQ Questions for CSIR UGC NET GATE - Download

Vijay Ishwar

Isolobal Analogy

Organometallic Compounds
Topic wise Assignment - 2

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Q1. The cluster having Arachno type structure is

[NET June 2012]
(a) [Os5(CO)16]
(b) [Os3(CO)12]
(c) [Ir4(CO)12]
(d) [Rh6(CO)16]

Q2. The structure of carborane with formula, C2B4H8 is formally derived from

[NET Dec 2012]
(a) Closo-borane
(b) Nido-borane
(c) Arachno-borane
(d) Conjuncto-borane

Q3. The ligand in uranocene is-

[NET June 2013]
(a) C8H82-
(b) C5H52-
(c) C6H6
(d) C4H42-

Q4. Amongst the following, which one is not an isolobal pair

[NET June 2014]
(a) Mn(CO)5, CH3
(b) Fe(CO)4, O
(c) Co(CO)3, R2Si
(d) Mn(CO)5, RS

Q5. Co4(CO)12 adopts the

[NET Dec 2014]
(a) Closo structure
(b) Nido structure
(c) Arachno structure
(d) hypo structure

Q6. The total number of verticies in metal clusters [Ru6(C)(CO)17], [Os5(C)(CO)15] and [Ru5(C)(CO)16] are 6, 5 and 5 respectively. The predicted structures of these complexes respectively are-

[NET June 2015]
(a) Closo, Nido and Nido
(b) Closo, Nido and Arachno
(c) Arachno, Closo and Nido
(d) Arachno, Nido and Closo

Q7. According to wade's theory, the anion [B12H12]2- adopts

[NET June 2015]
(a) Closo-structure
(b) Arachno-structure
(c) Hypo-structure
(d) Nido-structure

Q8. The number of valance electrons provided by [Ru(CO)3] towards cluster bonding is

[NET Dec 2015]
(a) 1
(b) 14
(c) 6
(d) 2

Q9. Using Wade's rules, predict the structure of [C2B5H7]

[NET Dec 2015]
(a) Nido
(b) Closo
(c) Arachno
(d) Hypo

Q10. For Uranocene, the correct statements are
(A) Oxidation state of uranium is '+4'
(B) It has cyclooctatetraene ligands
(C) It is a bent sandwich compound
(D) It has '-2' charge

[NET Dec 2015]
(a) A and B
(b) B and C
(c) A and D
(d) B only

Q11. CpM fragment isolobal with BH fragment is

[NET June 2016]
(a) CpGe
(b) CpMn
(c) CpRu
(d) CpCo

Q12. The number of skeletal electrons present in the compounds C2B3H5, C2B4H6 and B5H9 respectively are

[NET June 2016]
(a) 10, 12 and 12
(b) 12, 14 and 14
(c) 10, 12 and 14
(d) 12, 14 and 12

Q13. According to isolobal analogy, the right set of fragments that might replace Co(CO)3 in [Co4(CO)12] is

[NET Dec 2016]
(a) CH, BH and Mn(CO)5
(b) P, CH, and Ni(n5-C5H5)
(c) Fe(CO)4, CH2 and SiCH3
(d) BH, SiCH3 and P

Q14. According to wade's rule, the correct structural types of the complexes [Co(n5-C5H5)B4H8] and [Mn(n2-B3H8)(CO)4]

[NET Dec 2016]
(a) Closo and Nido
(b) Nido and Arachno
(c) Closo and Arachno
(d) Nido and Nido

Ans Key

1.b 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.d 9.b 10.a 11.d 12.b 13.b 14.b

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