F-Block Elements MCQ Assignment 2 - ChemContent

Vijay Ishwar
2 minute read

10 F-Block Elements MCQ Questions are given on this page. These questions have been asked in previous year exams of CSIR NET, GATE, TIFR, BARC etc. Test your knowledge by trying these simple MCQs and match your answers with the answer key provided at the bottom of the page. 

Also note, you can attempt this assignment as a quiz where you can mark options, calculate your score and see which questions you attempted were correct and which were not. For doing so, go to Quiz link. To download the assignment in PDF format, click PDF.

Good Luck! 😊😉

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Q1 The correct electronic configuration and spin only magnetic moment of Gd3+ (atomic number 64) are

         (a) [Xe]4f7 and 7.9 BM

         (b) [Xe]4f7 and 8.9 BM

         (c) [Xe]4f6 5d1 and 7.9 BM

         (d) [Rn]5f7 and 7.9 BM

Q2 Consider following lanthanide (III) ions

[NET June 2013]

 (A) Nd(III)       (B) Gd(III)          (C) Dy(III)

The magnetic moment closest to spin only value is for

         (a) B only

         (b) A and B only

         (c) A and C only

         (d) B and C only

Q3 Identify the pairs in which the covalent radii of elements are almost similar

[NET June 2013]

(A) Nb, Ta   (B) Mo, W   (C) La, Lu   (D) Sc, Y

         (a) A and B only

         (b) A and C only

         (c) B and C only

         (d) A, B and C

Q4 Pair of lanthanide ions with show significant deviation between the experimental and calculated magnetic moments considering contribution from the ground state only, is

[NET Dec 2019]

(Given that: µeff = g[J(J+1)]1/2

         (a) Gd3+ and Lu3+

         (b) Sm3+ and Tb3+

         (c) Eu3+ and Tb3+

         (d) Sm3+ and Eu3+

Q5 The ground state forms of Sm3+ and Eu3+ respectively, are

[NET Dec 2013]

         (a) 7F0 and 6H5/2

         (b) 6H5/2 and 7F0

         (c) 2F5/2 and 5I4

         (d) 7F6 and 2F7/2

Q6 A comparison of the valence electron configuration of the elements Sm and Eu suggest that

[NET June 2014]

         (a) Sm is a better one electron reductant than Eu

         (b) Sm is a better one electron oxidant than Eu

         (c) Facile oxidant state is +2 for both the elements

         (d) Both these display similar redox behaviour

Q7 Hindered β-diketonates like dpmH (dpmH = dipivaloylmethane ) are used for the separation of lanthanides because complexes formed with dpmH can be separated by

[NET Dec 2014]

         (a) Gel permeation chromatography

         (b) Gas chromatography

         (c) Gel filtration chromatograpy

         (d) Ion exchange chromatography

Q8 Consider the following statements with respect to uranium

[NET June 2015]

(A) UO2+ disproportionate more easily that UO22+

(B) U3O8 is most stable oxide of uranium

(C) Coordination number of U in [UO2(NO3)2(H2O)2].4H2O is 6

(D) UO22+ is linear

The correct statements are,

         (a) A, B and D

         (b) A, C and D

         (c) B, C and D

         (d) A, B and C

Q9 Consider the following statements for (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6]

[NET June 2015]

(A) Coordination number of Ce is 12

(B) (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6] is paramagnetic

(C) (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6] is an oxidizing agent

(D) Reaction of Ph3PO with (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6] gives a complex having coordination number 10 for Ce.

Correct statements are,

         (a) A, B and C

         (b) B, A and D

         (c) B, C and D

         (d) A, C and D

Q10 The metallic radii are abnormally high for which of the following pairs?

[NET Dec 2015]

         (a) Eu, Yb

         (b) Sm, Tm

         (c) Gd, Lu

         (d) Nd, Ho

Ans Key

1.a  2.a  3.d  4.d  5.b  6.b  7.b  8.a 9.d 10.a

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