F-Block Elements MCQ Assignment 3 - ChemContent

Vijay Ishwar

10 F-Block Elements MCQ Questions are given on this page. These questions have been asked in previous year exams of CSIR NET, GATE, TIFR, BARC etc. Test your knowledge by trying these simple MCQs and match your answers with the answer key provided at the bottom of the page. 

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Q1 Which of the following statement is true for lanthanides?

[NET Dec 2015]

A.  The observed magnetic moment of Eu3+ at room temperature is higher than that of calculated from spin-spin coupling.

B.  Lanthanide oxides are predominantly acidic in nature.

C.  The stability of Sm(II) is due to its' half-filed sub-shell.

D.  Lanthanide (III) ions can be separated by ion exchange chromatography

Correct answer is

(a) A and D

(b) A and B

(c) A and C

(d) B and C

Q2 For mono ionic complex [UO2(NO3)3]-, the correct coordination number and geometry respectively, are

[NET June 2016]

         (a) 8 and hexagonal bipyramidal

         (b) 5 and square pyramidal

         (c) 8 and square antiprism

         (d) 5 and trigonal bipyramidal

Q3 The 'g' values for Ce3+ (4f1) and Pr3+ (4f2) respectively are

[NET June 2016]

         (a) 3/7 and 2/5

         (b) 5/7 and 4/5

         (c) 6/7 and 3/5

         (d) 6/7 and 4/5

Q4 For [Ce(NO3)4(OPPh3)2], from the following

[NET Dec 2016]

(A) Its' aqueous solution is yellow-orange in color

(B) Coordination number of Ce is ten

(C) It shows metal to ligand charge transfer

(D) It is diamagnetic in nature

The correct answer is,

         (a) A and B

         (b) A and C

         (c) A, B and D

         (d) B, C and D

Q5 The metal iodide with metallic lustre and high electrical conductivity is

[NET Dec 2016]

         (a) NaI

         (b) CdI2

         (c) LaI2

         (d) BiI3

Q6 The calculated and observed magnetic moments of aqua complexes of a lanthanide ion are 0 and 3.5 respectively. The lanthanide ion is

[NET June 2017]

         (a) Pm3+

         (b) Pr3+

         (c) Eu3+

         (d) Sm3+

Q7 Match lanthanides in column I with their properties in column II

[NET Dec 2017]

         Column I                   Column II

         (A) Lu                        (i) Reagent in M(IV)

         (B) Eu                        (ii) MI2 of metallic lustre

         (C) Ce                        (iii) Diamagnetic M(III)

         (D) Tb                        (iv) Pink in M(III)

 (a) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iv)

 (b) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i)

 (c) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iii)

 (d) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(i)

Q8 Consider the following statements for actinides (An)

[NET Dec 2017]

(A) Oxidation states greater than +3 are more frequent in An compared to Ln.

(B) Some An(III) ions show d-d transitions.

(C) UO22+ and PuO22+ are stable.

(D) Some of the actinides do not have radioactive isotopes.

The correct statements are

         (a) A and C

         (b) B and D

         (c) A, B and C

         (d) B, C and D

Q9 Trivalent lanthanide ion having isotopic magnetic susceptibility is

[NET June 2018]

         (a) Eu3+

         (b) Gd3+

         (c) Yb3+

         (d) Lu3+

Q10 The correct set of magic numbers is

[NET June 2019]

         (a) 20, 28, 50 and 126

         (b) 24, 28, 82 and 126

         (c) 20, 50, 80 and 184

         (d) 28, 50, 82 and 180

Ans Key

1.a  2.a  3.d  4.c  5.c  6.c  7.a  8.a 9.b 10.a

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