Aromaticity Chapter MCQs for CSIR NET GATE (2) - ChemContent

Vijay Ishwar


15 Aromaticity MCQ Questions are given on this page. These questions have been asked in previous year exams of CSIR NET, GATE, TIFR, BARC etc. Test your knowledge by trying these simple MCQs and match your answers with the answer key provided at the bottom of the page.

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Q1 Cyclopentadiene is one of the most acidic hydrocarbons because

          (a) It has tendency of complex formation

          (b) It has sufficient hydrogens to donate to others

          (c) It follows 4n+2 Huckel's rule

          (d) It becomes aromatic after leaving proton

Q2 Which one of these is aromatic?

Q3 Which one of these is homoaromatic?

Q4 Which one of these is aromatic?

Q5 Which one of these shows a dipole moment?

Q6 Which one of these is not aromatic?

Q7 Which one of them is aromatic

Q8 (4n)Ï€ system can be converted into (4n+2)Ï€ system by

(a) Hydrolysis         (b) Esterification

(c) Distillation        (d) Reaction with alkali metals

Q9 Which one of these is aromatic?

Q10 Which one of these is homoaromatic?

Q11. Following hydrocarbon has a dipole moment of 5.0 D because

(a) It follows 4n+2 Huckel's rule.

(b) Two rings are of different size.

(c) It exists as in which ring exhibits aromaticity

(d) Charge separation permits conformational stability.

Q12. Which one of the following is aromatic?

Q13. Which one of the following is aromatic?

(a) All of them

(b) A & C

(c) B & C

(d) B & D

Q14. Azulene possesses a dipole moment because of

          (a) Aromaticity

          (b) Anti Aromaticity

          (c) Planarity

          (d) Diradical character

Q15. Cyclooctatetraene is not aromatic because of

(a) It does not have essential π electrons.

(b) It does not have delocalization of π electrons.

(c) It does not have a planer conformation.

(d) It does not follow (4n) π Huckel's rule.

Answer Key

Q1.s Q2.a Q3.a Q4.b Q5.c

Q6.d Q7.d Q8.d Q9.d Q10.c

Q11.c Q12.b Q13.d Q14.a Q15.c

Detailed Solution

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