Aromaticity Chapter MCQs for CSIR NET GATE - ChemContent

Vijay Ishwar

Aromaticity MCQ Questions are given on this page. These questions have been asked in previous year exams of CSIR NET, GATE, TIFR, BARC etc. Test your knowledge by trying these simple MCQs and match your answers with the answer key provided at the bottom of the page. 

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Question 1. Among the carbocations given below:
[NET June 2011]

(a) A is homoaromatic be is antiaromatic see is aromatic
(b) A is aromatic, B is antiaromatic, C is homoaromatic
(c) A is antiaromatic, B is aromatic, C is homoaromatic
(d) A is homoaromatic, B is aromatic, C is antiaromatic

Question 2. Among A, B and C, the aromatic compounds are
[NET Dec 2011]

(a) A, B and C
(b) A and B
(c) B and C
(d) A and C

Question 3. The correct order of acidity of the compound A, B and C is
[NET Dec 2012]

(a) A>B>C
(b) B>C>A
(c) C>A>B
(d) B>A>C

Question 4. Among the following the compound which has the lowest energy barrier for sis trans isomerism is:
[NET Dec 2013]

Question 5. The compound that is antiaromatic is
[NET Dec 2014]

Question 6. The compound that gives precipitates on warming with aqueous AgNO3 is
[NET June 2015]

Question 7. Correct match for the products of the reaction in column-A with the properties in Column-B is:
[NET Dec 2016]

(a) (i)-P, (ii)-S, (iii)-R, (iv)-Q
(b) (i)-P, (ii)-R, (iii)-Q, (iv)-S
(c) (i)-Q, (ii)-R, (iii)-S, (iv)-P
(d) (i)-S, (ii)-Q, (iii)-R, (iv)-P

Question 8. The following hydrocarbon has a dipole moment of 0.8 D because
[GATE 2000]

(a) it exists as, in which both rings exhibit aromaticity.
(b) charge separation permits conformational stability
(c) the two rings are of different types
(d) the molecule obeys 4n+2 Huckel's rule

Question 9. Among the resonance forms given below, the one which contributes most to the stability of azulene is:
[GATE 2004]

Question 10. The compound that is most aromatic is:
[GATE 2008]

Question 11. The compound, is
[GATE 2009]
(a) aromatic and has a high dipole moment.
(b) aromatic and no dipole moment
(c) non aromatic and has a high dipole moment
(d) antiaromatic and has no dipole moment

Question 12. The decreasing order for rate of electrophilic substitution on the following rings must be
[GATE 2010]

(a) II>I>III
(b) II>III>I
(c) III>I>II
(d) I>II>III

Question 13. The decreasing order of acidity of the marked H of the following molecules is
[GATE 2010]

(a) I>II>III
(b) III>I>II
(c) III>II>I
(d) II>I>III

Question 14. Among the following compounds, the one that is non aromatic is:
[GATE 2015]

Question 15. Which one is aromatic molecule in the following?

Question 16. Which one of the following has highest dipole moment?

Question 17. The aromaticity of the following heterocyclic molecule are in order
(a) Thiophene > Pyrrole > Furan > Pyridine
(b) Furan > Pyrrole > Thiophene > Pyridine
(c) Pyridine > Thiophene > Pyrrole > Furan
(d) Pyridine > Furan > Pyrrole > Thiophene

Question 18. Which one is non aromatic?

Question 19. The number of pairs of degenerate π energy levels in cyclopentadienyl anion and cycloheptatrienyl cation with energies higher than zero, are
(a) 2 and 2
(b) 1 and 2
(c) 1 and 1
(d) 2 and 3

Q20. is not aromatic because
(a) it does not have delocalization of π electrons
(b) it has maximum angle strain
(c) it has not allowed 4n+2 Huckel's rule
(d) this molecule is not planer


Q1.A Q2.C Q3.c Q4.C Q5.a Q6.c Q7.a Q8.a Q9.d Q10.b Q11.a Q12.b Q13.c Q14.a Q15.b Q16.a Q17.c Q18.b Q19.d Q20.d

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