GOC Electronic Effects MCQs for CSIR NET GATE - ChemContent

Vijay Ishwar

Chapter: General Organic Chemistry (GOC)
Topic: Electronic Effects (Inductive, Mesomeric, Hyperconjugation, Electromeric)
Content: MCQ Questions & Solutions
Source: CSIR NET, GATE etc. Exams

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Q1 Arrange the following in increasing order of stability of carbocation

            (a) C < B < D < A

            (b) C < B < A < D

            (c) A < B < C < D

            (d) A < C < B < D

Q2 Arrange the following in increasing order of their carbonyl stretching frequency

            (a) A < B < C

            (b) B < A < C

            (c) C < A < B

            (d) C < B < A

Q3 What will be the decreasing order of C=C stretching frequency

            (a) A < B < C < D

            (b) D < C < B < A

            (c) D < B < C < A

            (d) A < C < B < D

Q4 The correct order of stability of carbocation for following molecules is

            (a) C < A < B < D

            (b) C < B < D < A

            (c) A < C < B < D

            (d) D < B < A < C

Q5 The correct order of stability of carbocation for following molecules is

            (a) A < D < B < C

            (b) A < C < B < D

            (c) B < D < C < A

            (d) B < A < C < D

Q6 The correct order of stability of carbocation for following molecules is

            (a) A < B < C

            (b) C < B < A

            (c) B < A < C

            (d) B < C < A

Q7 Most and least stable carbocation among the following is, respectively,

            (a) A, D

            (b) C, A

            (c) E, B

            (d) C, D

Q8 The correct order of heat of hydrogenation for following molecules is

            (a) A > C > B > D

            (b) A > B > C > D

            (c) D > A > C > B

            (d) D > B > A > C

Q9 Among the following molecules the one that most readily deprotonates to form carbanion is

[GATE 2003]

Q10 Steric inhibition of resonance can be expected in

Q11 Product of the following reaction will be

Q12 Which of the following has most stable conjugate acid

            (a) (CH3)2NH2

            (b) (CH3)3N

            (c) C6H5NH2

            (d) C6H5NHCH3

Q13 Which of the following will not be soluble in aq. NaOH?

Q14 The homolytic cleavage of bond is easiest in

Q15 The correct orientation of dipoles in pyrrole and pyridine is

Answer Key

Q1.b Q2.b Q3.b Q4.a Q5.c Q6.b Q7.d Q8.a Q9.a Q10.c

Q11.a Q12.b Q13.d Q14.d Q15.a

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