Ligand Field Theory MCQs for NET & GATE - Download PDF

Vijay Ishwar

Ligand Field Theory (LFT)

Coordination Compounds
Topic wise Assignment

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Q1. Among (CH3)3P, NO+, CN-, I3- ligands, the one which is not a π acceptor ligand is
(a) I3-
(b) CN-
(c) NO+
(d) (CH3)3P

Q2. The symmetry required for the ligand group orbitals (LGO) for the π- base ligands to have π- interactions with the metal d orbitals in an octahedral geometry is
(a) a1g
(b) b2g
(c) eg
(d) t2g

Q3. Stabilization of the highest oxidation states of transition metals by strong electronegative ligands due to
(a) dÏ€(L) → dÏ€(M) bonding
(b) pÏ€(L) → dÏ€(M) bonding
(c) dÏ€(M) → pÏ€(L) bonding
(d) dÏ€(M) → dÏ€(L) bonding

Q4. On molecular orbital treatment of [Mn(CO)6]+, the symmetry of the LGO that is not sigma bonding, is
(a) A1g
(b) T1g
(c) T1u
(d) Eg

Q5. According to CFT, Ni2+ can have two unpaired electrons in

[NET June 2011]
(a) Octahedral geometry only
(b) Square Planer geometry only
(c) Tetrahedral geometry only
(d) Both Tetrahedral geometry and Octahedral geometry

Q6. As a ligand, Cl- is

[NET June 2012]
(a) σ- donor
(b) π- donor
(c) both σ & π donor
(d) σ donor and σ acceptor

Q7. dπ-dπ and dπ-π* types of donations of electrons from metal to ligand is shown by
(a) Alkanes & Halides
(b) R3P and CN-
(c) Halides and CN-
(d) CN- and R3P

Q8. The orders of reactivity of ligands, NMe3, PMe3 and CO with complexes MeTiCl3 and (CO)5Mo(thf) are
(a) CO>PMe3>NMe3 and CO>NMe3>PMe3
(b) PMe3>CO>NMe3 and NMe3>CO>PMe3
(c) NMe3>PMe3>CO and CO>PMe3>NMe3
(d) NMe3>CO>PMe3 and PMe3>NMe3>CO

Q9. Identify the order representing π-acidity of the following ligands

[NET June 2013]
C2F4, Net3, CO and C2H4
(a) CO<C2F4<C2H4<NEt3
(b) C2F4<C2H4<NEt3<CO
(c) CO<NEt3<CO<C2F4
(d) NEt3<C2H4<C2F4<CO

Q10. As per ligan field theory, which of the following molecules can be considered as most strong field ligand?
(a) carbon monoxide
(b) water
(c) ammonia
(d) triphenyl phosphine

Answer Key

Q1.a Q2.d Q3.b Q4.b Q5.d
Q6.c Q7.b Q8.c Q9.d Q10.a

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  1. I answer is wrong. Correct answer is (ch3)P

    1. Phosphorous atom contains one empty d orbital where it can accommodate an extra lone pair donated by metal center. Hence, it can also act as a pi acceptor ligand.

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