Coordination Compounds Magnetism MCQ Questions for CSIR NET, GATE - Download PDF

Vijay Ishwar

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Q1. The metal ion which is most likely to show the low spin-high spin equilibria in its complexes has the electronic configuration

          (a) d3

          (b) d4

          (c) d6

          (d) d8

Q2. The magnetic susceptibility of a paramagnetic substance

(a) is independent of temperature

(b) attains the maximum value at Neel temperature

(c) increases gradually with decrease in temperature followed by a steep rise after Curie temperature

(d) increases with decrease of temperature

Q3. The effective magnetic moment is maximum for K4Mn(CN)6

          (a) K4Mn(CN)6

          (b) K2MnO4

          (c) K2MnCl4

          (d) KMnO4

Q4. The complex with spin only magnetic moment of ~4.9 BM is:

          (a) [Fe(H2O)6]2+

          (b) [Fe(CN)6]3-

          (c) [Fe(CN)6]4-

          (d) [Fe(H2O)6]3+

Q5. The magnetic moment of an octahedral Co(II) complex is 4.0 uB. The d-electron configuration of Co(II) is:

[GATE 2003]

          (a) t2g4 eg3

          (b) t2g5 eg2

          (c) t2g6 eg1

          (d) t2g3 eg4

Q6. The zero magnetic moment of octahedral K2NiF6 is due to

[GATE 2004]

          (a) low spin d6 Ni(IV) complex

          (b) Low spin d8 Ni(II) complex

          (c) High spin d8 Ni(II) complex

          (d) High spin d6 Ni(IV) complex

Q7. In tetrahedral geometry, which one of the following sets of electronic-configuration will have orbital contribution to the magnetic moment?

[GATE 2004]

          (a) d3, d4, d8, d9

          (b) d1, d6, d7, d9

          (c) d3, d4, d7, d9

          (d) d1, d3, d4, d9

Q8. The experimental magnetic moment of K3[Fe(CN)6] is 2.3 Î¼B and is attributed o the

[GATE 2006]

          (a) spin only value of a low-spin Fe

          (b) spin only value of a high-spin Fe

          (c) low-spin Fe with orbital contribution

          (d) high-spin Fe with orbital contribution

Q9. Which of the following is diamagnetic in nature

          (a) Hg[Co(NCS)4]

          (b) K3[Fe(CN)6]

          (c) K2PtCl4

          (d) [Cu(OAc)4(H2O)2]

Q10. [Ni(CN)4]2- and [NiCl4]2- are

          (a) both diamagnetic

          (b) both paramagnetic

          (c) diamagnetic and paramagnetic respectively

          (d) antiferromagnetic and diamagnetic respectively

Q11. The plots of xT versus T (where x is molar magnetic susceptibility and T is the temperature) for a paramagnetic complex which strictly follows Curie equation is:

[GATE 2012]





Q12. The actual magnetic moment shows a large deviation from the spin-only formula in case of

[NET Dec 2011]

          (a) Ti3+

          (b) V3+

          (c) Gd3+

          (d) Sm3+

Q13. The plot of xT versus T data of an ideal paramagnetic sample will

          (a) pass through origin

          (b) be parallel to T axis

          (c) be parallel to xT axis

          (d) parabolic nature

Q14. The species with highest magnetic moment (spin only value is)

          (a) VCl64-

          (b) (n5-C5H5)2Cr

          (c) [Co(NO2)6]3-

          (d) [Ni(EDTA)]2-

Q15. The magnetic property of Hg[Co(NCS)4] at 25º C is:

          (a) diamagnetic

          (b) paramagnetic

          (c) ferromagnetic

          (d) antiferromagnetic

Q16. Which of the following complexes has the highest magnetic moment?

          (a) [Fe(CN)6]4-

          (b) [VO(H2O)5]2+

          (c) [Cr(NH3)6]3+

          (d) [Co(NH3)6]3+

Answer Key

Q1.c Q2.d Q3.c Q4.a Q5.b
Q6.a Q7.a Q8.c Q9.c Q10.c
Q11.c Q12.d Q13.b Q14.a Q15.b Q16.c

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