Arrhenius Equation (Chemical Kinetics) | MCQs for CSIR NET & GATE - Download PDF

Vijay Ishwar

 Arrhenius Equation

Chemical Kinetics
Topic wise Assignment-3

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Q1. For a reaction with an activation energy of 49.8 KJ mol-1, the ratio of the rate constants at 600K and 300K (k600/k300), is approximately (R=8.3 J mol-1 K-1)

[NET Dec 2016]

            (a) ln 10

            (b) 10

            (c) 10+e

            (d) e10

Q2. The temperature dependence of a reaction is given by k= AT2 exp(-Eo/RT). The activation energy (Ea) of the reaction is given by

[NET June 2015]

            (a) Eo + ½ RT

            (b) Eo

            (c) Eo + 2RT

            (d) 2Eo + RT

Q3. A first order gaseous reaction is 25% complete in 30 minutes at 227oC and in 10 minutes at 237oC. The activation energy of the reaction is closest to

[NET Dec 2013]

(R= 2 cal K-1 mol-1)

            (a) 27 kcal mol-1

            (b) 110 kcal mol-1

            (c) 55 kcal mol-1

            (d) 5.5 kcal mol-1

Q4. According to Arrhenius equation (k= rate constant and T= temperature)

[NET Dec 2013]

            (a) ln k decreases linearly with 1/T

            (b) ln k decreases linearly with T

            (c) ln k increases linearly with 1/T

            (d) ln k increases linearly with T

Q5. For a reaction, the rate constant k at 27oC was found to be k= 5.4x1011 e-50. The activation energy of the reaction is

[NET June 2012]

            (a) 50 J mol-1

            (b) 415 J mol-1

            (c) 15000 J mol-1

            (d) 125000 J mol-1

Q6. The specific rate constant of decomposition of a compound is represented by ln k= 5.0 – 12000/T. The activation energy of decomposition for this compound at 300 K

[GATE 2010]

            (a) 24 kcal/mol

            (b) 12 kcal/mol

            (c) 24 cal/mol

            (d) 12 cal/mol

Q7. In a certain reaction, ten percentage of the reactant is consumed in 15 minutes at 310 K but only in 5 minutes at 330 K. The activation energy of the reaction (kcal mol-1) is

            (a) 30.2

            (b) 5.6

            (c) 11.2

            (d) 50.5

Q8. The half life of a first order reaction varies with temperature according to

[GATE 2002]

            (a) ln t1/2 1/T

            (b) ln t1/2 T

            (c) ln t1/2 1/T2

            (d) t1/2 T2

Q9. A first order reaction is 50% completed in 20 minutes at 27oC and in 5 minutes at 47oC. The energy of activation of the reaction is

            (a) 43.85 KJ/mol

            (b) 55.14 KJ/mol

            (c) 11.97 KJ/mol

            (d) 6.65 KJ/mol

Q10. The temperature coefficient of a reaction is

            (a) The rate constant

            (b) The rate constant at a fixed temperature

            (c) The ratio of rate constant at two temperatures

            (d) The ratio of rate constants differing by 10oC preferably k308/k298

Q11. The plot of lnK vs 1/T is linear with slope of

            (a) -Ea/R

            (b) Ea/R

            (c) Ea/2.303 R

            (d) -Ea/2.303 R

Ans Key

Q1.d Q2.c Q3.c Q4.a Q5.d Q6.a Q7.c Q8.a Q9.b Q10.d Q11.a 

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