GOC & Aromaticity Test-2 | CSIR NET & GATE Test Series - ChemContent

Vijay Ishwar

Test Series

GOC & Aromaticity

Attempt as QUIZ

Question 1 Which of the following is not correct? a)	NEt3 > NHEt2 > NH2Et > NH3 (basicity in gaseous state) b)	  c)	NH4+ < C6H5OH < NH3 (pka order) d)
Question 2 The correct order of basicity among the following is: a)	  b)	  c)	  d)
Question 3 The correct statement about the following compound is:   a)	If X = NH, aromatic; if X = O, non-aromatic b)	If X = O, aromatic; if X = NH, non-aromatic c)	If X = NH, aromatic; if X = O, aromatic d)	If X = O, anti-aromatic; if X = NH, aromatic
Question 4 Correct order of stability of following carbocations is:   a)	B > A > C > D > E b)	A > B > C > D > E c)	C > A > B > E > D d)	A > C > B > E > D
Question 5 Which of the following π-π interactions is/are possible?   a)	Only A b)	B and C c)	A and B d)	A, B, C
Question 6 The least stable carbanion among the following is:   a)	II b)	I c)	IV d)	III
Question 7 The total number of sp3 hybridised species among the following are:   a)	0 b)	1 c)	2 d)	3
Question 8 Which of the following will undergo aromatic substitution reactions?   a)	Only (I) b)	I, II, III c)	Only III d)	II, III
Question 9 Match the following:   a)	P-IV, Q-II, R-I, S-III b)	P-I, Q-III, R-II, S-IV c)	P-II, Q-IV, R-I, S-III d)	P-II, Q-III, R-I, S-IV
Question 10 The correct order of heat of hydrogenation of following compounds:   a)	D > A > B > C b)	C > B > A > D c)	C > D > B > A d)	D > B > A > C
Question 11 Which of the following statements is not correct about the given compound?   a)	The stretching frequency of bond b is greater than bond c. b)	The stretching frequency of bond c is greater than bond a. c)	The bond length of a is smaller than bond c. d)	The bond length of b is smaller than bond c.
Question 12 Which of the following will not lead to the formation of carbon-di-oxide gas upon treatment with sodium bicarbonate? a)  		b)  	c)  	d)
Question 14 Which of the following will be insoluble in aqueous acids? a)  	b)  	c)  	d)
Question 15 The correct order of rate of decarboxylation among the following is: a)	  b)	  c)	  d)

Ans Key

1b 2c 3a 4b 5d 6c 7d 8b 9c 10a 11b 12c 13b 14a 15d

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