Stereochemistry test-2 | CSIR NET & GATE Test Series - ChemContent

Vijay Ishwar

Test Series


Attempt as QUIZ

Which of the following statement is correct?   a)	I and II are optically active and III is inactive. b)	II is non-superimposable mirror image of I. c)	I is superimposable mirror image of III. d)	III is non-superimposable mirror image of II.
The correct relation between HA and HB is   a)	diastereotopic b)	enantiotopic c)	homotopic d)	identical
Total number of optically active molecules among the following are:    a)	2 b)	3 c)	4 d)	5
The correct set of absolute configuration R/S is:   a)	A-R, B-R, C-S, D-R b)	A-R, E-S, F-S, G-R c)	E-S, B-R, G-R, D-S d)	E-S, F-R, G-S, C-S
The correct relation between B and C is:   a)	Enantiomers b)	Identical c)	diastereomers d)	constitutional isomers
The correct statement regarding the following pairs is:   a)	A: Keto-enol tautomers and D: diastereomers b)	B and C: Keto-enol tautomers c)	C and D: Identical d)	D: identical and A: Keto-enol tautomers.
For HO-H2C-CH2-OH the correct order of stability in polar and non-polar solvent, respectively is: a)	gauche > anti; gauche > anti b)	anti > gauche; anti > gauche c)	anti > gauche; gauche > anti d)	gauche > anti; anti > gauche
Which of the following cannot be used as solvent in the organic reactions?
The number of butane-gauche interactions in A and B, respectively are:
The relationship between the products of the following reaction is:   a)	Enantiomers b)	Diastereomers c)	Identical d)	Constitutional isomers
The most stable conformation of A is:
Total number of stereoisomers in   a)	0 b)	2 c)	4 d)	8
Which of the following solution will be optically inactive? a)	90% enantiomeric excess b)	0% enantiomeric excess c)	100% enantiomeric excess d)	50% enantiomeric excess
Which of the following will exist in chair form? a)  		b)  		c)  		d)
The correct order of stability of HOOC-CH2-CH2-COOH in acidic and basic medium, respectively is: a)	gauche > anti; gauche > anti b)	anti > gauche; anti > gauche c)	anti > gauche; gauche > anti d)	gauche > anti; anti > gauche

Ans Key

Q1 d Q2 a Q3 b Q4 c Q5 b
Q6 d Q7 c Q8 a Q9 c Q10 a
Q11 a Q12 c Q13 b Q14 c Q15 d

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