Reaction Intermediates MCQ Questions for CSIR UGC NET & GATE Assignment 2 - PDF Download

Vijay Ishwar


Reaction Intermediates
Chapterwise Assignment-2


Q1. The frontier orbital interactions involved in the formation of carbocation intermediate in the reaction of isobutylene with HCl are
a) π of olefin and σ* of HCl
b) π of olefin and σ of HCl
c) π* of olefin and σ* of HCl
d) π* of olefin and σ of HCl

Q2. The most stable product formed in the following reaction is

Q3. Correct statements for the reactants A, B to give product C, D is

a) A gives C and B gives D
b) A gives D and B gives C
c) A and B give identical amounts of C and D
d) A and B give D

Q4. For the four reactions given below, the rates of the reactions will vary as

a) 1 > 2 and 3 > 4
b) 2 > 1 and 3 > 4
c) 2 > 1 and 4 > 3
d) 1 > 2 and 4 > 3

Q5. The major product formed in the following reaction is

Q6. The product formed upon heating camphene with HCl is

Q7. Among the bromide I-III given below, the order of their reactivity in the SN1 reaction is:


Q8. Regarding the saponification of M and N shown below, the correct statement is that

a) M reacts faster than N because the transition state is less crowded for M than for N.
b) M reacts slower than N because the transition state is more crowded for M than for N.
c) N and M react at the same rate because of formation of tetrahedral intermediate in both cases
d) N reacts slower than M because of its greater thermodynamic stability

Q9. The major product P formed in given reaction is

Q10. The order of reactivity towards acid catalyzed hydrolysis of the following cyclic acetals is:

a) Z>Y>X
b) X>Y>Z
c) X>Z>Y
d) Z>X>Y

Ans Key

1a 2a 3c 4d 5b 6a 7c 8b 9d 10c 

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