Chemical Bonding MCQs for CSIR NET & GATE Chemistry | Download PDF

Vijay Ishwar

Chemical Bonding MCQs for CSIR NET & GATE Chemistry is a comprehensive guide that provides multiple choice questions on the topic of chemical bonding. The PDF download includes a wide range of questions that cover all the important concepts related to chemical bonding, making it an essential resource for students preparing for the CSIR NET and GATE Chemistry exams. The questions are designed to test the student's understanding of the topic and are presented in a format that is similar to the actual exam. The guide is available for download in PDF format, making it easy to access and study on the go. You can also attempt this assignment as a quiz where you can tick mark options, calculate your score and analyze your performance. 

Chemical Bonding | Assignment 6


Q1. Which of the following species are hypervalent?
(A) ClO4-
(B) BF3
(C) SO42-
(D) CO32-
    a) A, B, C
    b) A, C
    c) C, D
    d) A, B

Q2. Which of the following polyhedron has same no. of faces?
A. Trigonal bipyramidal
B. Trigonal prism
C. Pentagonal pyramidal
D. Cube
    a) A and B
    b) A and C only
    c) A, B, C
    d) A, C, D

Q3. If C-C bond in C2H6 undergoes heterolytic fission, the hybridization of two resulting carbon atoms is/are
    a) sp2 both
    b) sp3 both
    c) sp3, sp2
    d) sp, sp3

Q4. Which of the following pairs is isostructural
    a) SF4 and SiF4
    b) SF6 and SiF62-
    c) SiF62- and SeF62-
    d) XeO64- and TeF6

Q5. Arrange the following in order of decreasing N-O bond length

NO2+, NO2-, NO3-
a) NO3- > NO2- > NO2+
b) NO3- > NO2- > NO2+
c) NO2+ > NO3- > NO2-
d) NO2- > NO3- > NO2+

Q6. Math the following molecules with their corresponding bond angles

A. NH3

P. 120o

B. N(CH3)3

Q. 110.9o

C. N(SiH3)3

R. 106.6o

D. N(GeH3)3


a) (A-R) (B-Q), (C-P), (D-Q)
b) (A-R) (B-P) (C-Q) (D-P)
c) (A-R), (B-Q), (C-P), (D-P)
d) (A-R) (B-P), (C-P), (D-Q)

Q7. Hybridization of carbon in C3O2 is
a) sp
b) sp2
c) sp3
d) sp3d

Q8. In case of PF5, the ground state TBP structure converts into transition state and back to a new TBP structure. The hybridization of central atom phosphorous in the transition state is
a) sp3 dz2
b) sp3 dx2-y2
c) sp3
d) sp3 dx2-y2 dz2

Q9. If bond order of CO molecule is 3, then what will be the bond orders of CO+ and CO- respectively
a) 3.5, 3.5
b) 3.5, 2.5
c) 2.5, 3.5
d) 2.5, 2.5

Q10. The bond angle of Cl2O is
a) smaller than that of F2O
b) greater than that of H2O
c) smaller than that of H2O
d) same as that of F2O

Q11. The hybridization of ‘C’ in oCH3 and oCF3 respectively are
a) sp3, sp3
b) sp2, sp2
c) sp3, sp2
d) sp2, sp3

Q12. Which of the following doesn’t show fluxional behavior?
a) SF4
b) BrF5
c) PF3 Cl2
d) PF2(CH3)3

Q13. Which of the following triplets is not correct?


X-O pm

O-X-O angle

A. ClO3-

P. 165

L. 107o

B. BrO3-

Q. 181

M. 100o

C. IO3-

R. 149

N. 104o

a) A-Q-M
b) B-P-N
c) C-Q-M
d) A-R-L

Q14. Which is having different shape among the following?
a) BrF5
b) TeF5-
c) XeF5-
d) XeF5+

Q15. The hybridization of atomic orbital of Nitrogen in NO2+, NO3- and NH4+ are
a) sp, sp2, sp3
b) sp2, sp3, sp
c) sp2, sp, sp3
d) sp, sp3, sp2

Q16. Total number of sigma and pi bonds in below molecule are
a) 11, 11
b) 19, 11
c) 11, 19
d) 8, 8

Q17. Which of the following contains maximum number of lone pairs on the central atom?
a) ClO3-
b) XeF4
c) SF4
d) I3-

Q18. Which of the following is the highest occupied molecular orbital in HF?
a) σ
b) σ*
c) 2px 2py
d) Not defined

Q19. Which of the following is not correct?
a) Methanol has much higher boiling point than methyl mercaptan, CH3SH.
b) Carbon monoxide has slightly higher melting and boiling points than N2.
c) The boiling points of noble gases increase with atomic number.
d) Extent of polymerization increases in the order: ClO4->SO43->PO43->SiO44-

Q20. No. of 3c-2e bonds in [Al (BH4)3]- and Al2B4H18 respectively are:
a) 10, 6
b) 6, 8
c) 6, 10
d) 8, 6


1.b 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.b 6.c 7.a 8.b 9.b 10.b 11.d 12.d 13.a 14.c 15.a 16.b 17.d 18.a 19.d 20.c 

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