Hello Students, ChemContent has always tried its best to provide students with the most premium study materials at absolute zero cost. We are adding quick revision notes for various chapters in chemistry to help students quickly revise what they have learnt throughout their course. These notes will be highly useful for students doing graduation from colleges or universities as well as students preparing for post-graduation entrance exams such as the ACT exam, SAT exam, GRE, CSAT, CSIR NET, GATE etc.
This article is solely dedicated to quick revision notes on Bioinorganic Chemistry. In this chapter, the use of metals and metal-based enzymes and proteins inside living systems is discussed. Structures, stabilities and chemical properties are also studied in detail. We hope these notes will be helpful to you in your exam preparation. If you want more detailed notes on this chapter, visit our chapters handwritten notes page from the below link

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Pericyclic reactions
ReplyDeleteCan we get a pdf of short notes so that we can print it