Animal Kingdom CBSE Notes, Questions and Answers

Vijay Ishwar

Given below are some important questions from Animal Kingdom for the CBSE exam! 

Question: In some animal groups, the body is found divided into compartments with serial repetition of at least some organs. This characteristic feature is called

Answer: This characteristic feature is called Metamerism. 

Question: Cells that can differentiate into any type of cells to perform different functions?

Answer: Interstitial cells can differentiate into any type of cells to perform different functions.

Question: Name some examples of animals that share a four chambered heart?

Answer: Crocodiles, birds and mammals are examples of animals that share four chambered hearts.

Question: Name some examples of animals that have non glandular skin.

Answer: chameleon and turtle both animals have non glandular skin.

Question: Name one characteristic that Birds and mammals share as a common feature.

Answer: Birds and mammals both of these share homoiothermic (warm-bloodedness) characteristic as a common feature.

Question: What is the importance of pneumatic bones and air sacs in Aves? 

Answer: Pneumatic bones help Aves fly by keeping their bodies light. Air sacs help birds breathe and float.

Question: Name some oviparous animal?

Answer:  frogs, snakes, lizards, hens, duck, fishes, shark, penguins, butterflies, octopus, etc

Question: Body cavity is the cavity present between body wall and gut wall. In some animals the body cavity is not lined by mesoderm. Such animals are called

Answer: pseudocoelomate have body cavity that is not lined by mesoderm.

Question: Identify the phylum in which adults exhibit radial symmetry and larva exhibit bilateral symmetry.

Answer: In Phylum Echinodermata adults exhibit radial symmetry and larva exhibits bilateral symmetry.

Question: What is metagenesis?

Answer:  the reproduction cycle of an organism that alternates between sexual and asexual generations.

Points to remember 

  • The body is found divided into compartments with serial repetition of at least some organs. This characteristic feature is called metamerism.
  • Interstitial cells can differentiate into any type of cells to perform different functions.
  • Mammals have glandular skin and reptilians have non glandular skin.
  • Birds and mammals both of these share homoiothermic (warm-bloodedness) characteristic as a common feature.
  • Pneumatic bones help Aves fly by keeping their bodies light. Air sacs help birds breathe and float.
  • pseudocoelomate have body cavity that is not lined by mesoderm.
  • In Phylum Echinodermata: (adults → radial symmetry) and (larva → bilateral symmetry).
  • Echinoderms are triploblastic and coelomate animals.
  • round worms have organ-system level of body organization.
  • water vascular system is characteristic of echinoderms. 
  • Bilaterally symmetrical and acoelomate animals are exemplified by Platyhelminthes.
  • metagenesis refers to alternation of generation between asexual and sexual phases of an organism.
  • body having meshwork of cells, internal cavities lined with food filtering flagellated cells and indirect development are the characteristics of phylum porifera.
  • cnidaria taxon that represent both marine and freshwater species.
  • Sea-fan (Gorgonia) living organisms completely lacks a cell wall.

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