This article contains detailed notes of class 11 chemistry chapter 2 "Structure of Atom".
Structure of Atom

This chapter can be divided into following segments:
1. Dalton Atomic Theory
2. Discovery of Subatomic Particles
i. Electron Discovery- Discharge tube experiment
ii. Proton discovery- Discharge tube experiment
iii. Neutron discovery- Alpha particles bombarding experiment
3. Thomson Model of Atom
4. Rutherford Model of the Atom
2. Discovery of Subatomic Particles
i. Electron Discovery- Discharge tube experiment
ii. Proton discovery- Discharge tube experiment
iii. Neutron discovery- Alpha particles bombarding experiment
3. Thomson Model of Atom
4. Rutherford Model of the Atom
i. Alpha particles scattering experiment
ii. Postulates of the Rutherford's Model
iii. Applications and Drawbacks
5. Dual Nature of Matter and radiation
5. Dual Nature of Matter and radiation
i. Properties of Electromagnetic waves
ii. Wave Nature- Plank's quantum theory
iii. Particle Nature- Black Body Radiation, Photoelectric Effect
6. Types of Atomic Spectra
ii. Wave Nature- Plank's quantum theory
iii. Particle Nature- Black Body Radiation, Photoelectric Effect
6. Types of Atomic Spectra
i. Emission and Absorption Spectra
ii. Continuous, Line and Band Spectra
iii. Line Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom
7. Bohr Atomic Model & its Applications
i. Postulates of Bohr Model
ii. Concepts of Atomic Orbits
iii. Energy, Momentum & Velocity of Electron in Orbits
iv. Explanation of Line Spectrum of Hydrogen
v. Electron Excitation- Rydberg's Formula
8. Dual Nature of Electron
i. De Broglie Hypothesis
ii. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
9. Quantum Mechanical Model
i. Postulates of Quantum Model
ii. Schrodinger Wave Equation
iii. Electron Probability
10. Applications of Quantum Mechanical Model
i. Shapes of Atomic Orbitals
ii. Quantum Numbers
11. Electron filling in Atomic Orbitals
i. Aufbau Principle
ii. Pauli Exclusion Principle
iii. Hund's Rule of Maximum Multiplicity
iv. Stability of Half-filled and Fully-filled configurations
i. Postulates of Bohr Model
ii. Concepts of Atomic Orbits
iii. Energy, Momentum & Velocity of Electron in Orbits
iv. Explanation of Line Spectrum of Hydrogen
v. Electron Excitation- Rydberg's Formula
8. Dual Nature of Electron
i. De Broglie Hypothesis
ii. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
9. Quantum Mechanical Model
i. Postulates of Quantum Model
ii. Schrodinger Wave Equation
iii. Electron Probability
10. Applications of Quantum Mechanical Model
i. Shapes of Atomic Orbitals
ii. Quantum Numbers
11. Electron filling in Atomic Orbitals
i. Aufbau Principle
ii. Pauli Exclusion Principle
iii. Hund's Rule of Maximum Multiplicity
iv. Stability of Half-filled and Fully-filled configurations
These are all that topics that we study in this chapter in the very order. Their topic wise exercise questions and JEE, NEET PYQs are given on their specific pages.