Chemistry Chapterwise Handwritten Notes for CSIR NET & GATE - Download PDF

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Our chemistry notes for CSIR NET and GATE exams cover a wide range of topics in the field of chemistry, including organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry. These notes provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts and principles, as well as advanced topics, that are necessary to understand in order to excel in these competitive exams. 

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Handwritten Notes for Chemistry CSIR NET, GATE, IIT JAM, BSc and MSc

These notes are based on the syllabus of graduation and post graduation in chemistry. So, you can consider these notes for BSc, MSc curriculum as well as for competitive entrance exams such as CSIR NET, GATE, IIT JAM, BARC and TIFR etc. 

Inorganic Chemistry Chapterwise Notes

Organic Chemistry Chapterwise Notes

Chapter No.Name of Chapter
Chapter 1General Organic Chemistry [GOC]
Chapter 2Aromaticity
Chapter 3Stereochemistry
Chapter 4Reactive Intermediates
Chapter 5Reagents (Oxidizing, Reducing, Alkylating etc.)
Chapter 6Name Reactions
Chapter 7Carbonyl Compounds
Chapter 8Reaction Mechanism
Chapter 9Pericyclic Reactions
Chapter 10Photochemistry
Chapter 11Heterocyclic Compounds
Chapter 121H NMR Spectroscopy
Chapter 1313C NMR Spectroscopy
Chapter 14Infra Red Spectroscopy
Chapter 15Chapter 15 Mass Spectrometry
Chapter 16Chapter 16 UV-Visible Spectroscopy
Chapter 17Chapter 17 Biomolecules

Physical Chemistry Chapterwise Notes

Chapter No.Name of Chapter
Chapter 1Chemical Kinetics
Chapter 2Surface Chemistry
Chapter 3Polymer Chemistry
Chapter 4Group Theory
Chapter 5Phase Equilibrium
Chapter 6Electrochemistry
Chapter 7Solid State
Chapter 8Thermodynamics
Chapter 9Quantum Chemistry
Chapter 10Vibrational Spectra
Chapter 11Rotational Spectroscopy
Chapter 12Raman Spectroscopy
Chapter 13Statistical Thermodynamics

Miscellaneous Chapters in Chemistry Chapterwise Notes

Chapter No.Name of Chapter
Chapter 1 Green Chemistry
Chapter 2Chromatography
Chapter 3Identification of elements and functional groups
Chapter 4Analytical Chemistry

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  1. Replies
    1. Alright!
      We will disable the pop up ads from now for better experience.
      Sorry for inconvenience caused.

    2. Please provide green chemistry handwritten notes. Thank you..

  2. Please provide reaction mechanism ,cnmr heteronuclear NMR,phase equilibria and general physical chemistry notes please

    1. I'll upload Some of these topics in next 2 days. You can also submit your notes and help others. Use the link to submit your notes on any topic:

  3. that's so great of you all for providing such a great platform and content and other facilities freely that anyone and everyone can avail easily..

  4. Your site is quite helpful
    Can you please provide me notes for Non-aqueous solvents in inorganic Chemistry please

    1. Really sorry! We don't have the material you are requesting. Please support us by uploading your notes and share with others.

  5. Sir please provide electrochemistry notes

  6. It is very helpful thank you so much sir

    1. Glad to Help you brother. Please prefer uploading your own notes to support us.

  7. Sir please provide the chapterwise notes for cuet pg chemistry 2023

    1. Syllabus is similar. You can download notes from here. However, I will make a page dedicated to syllabus of CUET Chemistry.

  8. Sir please provide notes on fuel chemistry

  9. Thank you so much for providing such a great platform where we can share and use the notes and that too for free. Really that's too so nice of you for helping those who can't afford but need them.

  10. Plz.. Provide the .chemical thermodynamics notes

  11. Provide notes of Analytical Chemistry of MSc

  12. Please post nuclear chemistry notes also, Sir
    & This is soo helpful for our preparation

  13. Sir please upload the phase equilibrium chapter

  14. Sir kiya appne 2024wali PDF jisme handwritten notes the bo delet kardikiya ??????

  15. Please send analytical chemistry and Chromatography notes..

  16. Please upload analytical chemistry notes

  17. please upload analytical chemistry notes

  18. Provide notes for organic chemistry msc sem 1 unit 4 oxidation and reduction

  19. notes are very helpful

  20. Sir could you please upload notes for biomolecules ? Thank you so much for the other notes 🙏

  21. Please provide medical chemistry notes

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